Sunday, 12 March 2017

Working team

Plot holders work hard, and have a tough job just maintaining their own plots, which we all know is time consuming at the best of times but as part of the committee on an allotment site there is always the thankless task of maintenance and improvement jobs, you know the type of jobs,  the ones that get done, everybody assumes the bramble fairy does them in the night, but the type of job that everybody benefits from.

Unfortunately, funding for this has to be sourced from the many fundraising events that the site hosts or by funding applications. After many, many submitted applications the society were lucky to have been awarded a grant to enable us to erect a canopy above the shop cabin, and thanks to a hardworking team of men who have worked extremely hard, this means that now the front of the cabin is sheltered we are able to utilise in many ways not least to hold sessions of kids club outside, and in the future will be used host to many cake sales to raise more funds.... or just sit in the benches, watch the world go by and listen to the birds

Thank you so much to the hardworking team for your time spent on achieving all of this

View from the front, you can see the full canopy, together with seating to either side of the door, just off the side of the picture we also have picnic tables

Side view, attached to the outside posts, waste bins with hazard tape with drain pipe and taps attached filling with rain water  making communal water butts
And again further over to the left, a cob oven made during one of our community events which now that the cabin has been improved we are hoping to make more use of, pizza freshly made out of the oven anyone ??!!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant job done.Thanks to the team for their hard work
